Humanity vs. the Holy Spirit
The Rebellion Against the Apocalypse

Part II: How to Beat the Revelations’ Path of Destruction

Dark Entropy

Note:  As with Part 1 of this series, this article is directed at Christians and other monotheists (aka Judaists and Muslims), especially the religious freaks among them. While I will only use the term “Christians” from now on, I am referring to the other monotheistic dogmas as well, since, more or less, they all accept the concept of the Apocalypse, interpreting it to fit their own belief systems. Keep in mind that since the article is “encoded” to the language and style of doctrine that Christians accept (else I would probably end this article again misunderstood), chances are that it would be kind of useless for the rest of the people, who aren’t so tightly tied over the religious matters. Also for the scope of the article we need to accept that Yahweh exists and, consequently, that a Satan also exists. However, by the traditional Satanist beliefs, the deity Satanists do accept as “Satan” has nothing to do with the fallen ex-archangel of Yahweh, as the Christians believe.

It is my belief that the Apocalypse can be stopped. There are two criteria that need to be met by mankind before this happens, though. First, the neutralization of the Path to Damnation, as outlined in the Christian Bible, is the number one essential thing that needs to occur in order to wipe out or negate any of the events as predicted in the Book of Revelations. As I stated in Part 1, you must be forgiven in order to ascend to Yahweh’s world, and in order to be forgiven you must be Christian and have repented your sins. But what happens when the guilty person (or deity) is NOT willing to ever repent? You’re screwed. So, this whole concept of salvation vs. damnation has to go. The second criterion that has to be met is to take care of those scary sixes. More about that issue later; first thing’s first.

A note before rolling out the master plan… Personally, I understand why Christians get angry when they learn that Satanism isn’t some foolish joke religion whose followers are out to harm others unfairly or out to advocate the murder of all faithful Christians. By accepting the influence of Satanism, as defined by our own research and doctrines, Christians shape their own approach to “Satan”. So they have two choices: the first is to rant about us being juvenile fakes, and the second is to start questioning their own teachings. Whatever, let it rest in peace. We’re not as you believe us to be.

Stage 1 - Destroy the Path to Salvation

Since the “Antichrist” will never repent, destroying the very path to salvation is a quick trick to fast forward the world past the destruction as outlined in the Book of Revelations. Forgiveness without repenting is the #1 essential thing humankind must rise to in order to initiate the downfall of the Apocalypse. Without multitudes repenting, Yahweh has no control. Under the Master Plan, salvation can be gained by everyone. Forgiveness without repenting won’t enable Yahweh to initiate the pains and the plagues, as it is written in the Revelations. To eliminate this essential and required feature is even easier than you would suspect.

The Christians are already doing it themselves.

Christians, influenced by their own doctrines, do believe that what they are viewing in terms of Satanism is just the tip of the iceberg. So much evil is, in their view, hidden, and they are trying to unveil it. When we verbally challenge Christians, to think for themselves, they automatically think we are out to put death spells on them, and they scramble to point out the evil in us. Then, when they find nothing and get frustrated, they become silly, angry, scared, hateful, and commit acts of greater evil than those which they ascribe to Satanists.

No matter what someone believes, there’s no way to remove from a person his/her deep respect for human life, for the lives of animals, or even for the so-called “soul-less” environment, and we are counting on that. Thus, when we rile up Christians, instead of them getting ready for salvation at the end of the Apocalypse, properly preparing to sacrifice their pure and grateful souls for a place in the Seven Heavens, they “defile” themselves by reacting to us with rudeness and actions of revenge, blasphemy and denial.

OK, a big thanks to the guys of the church, for their contribution to our master plan. Is there still anyone around who believes that if Satanists are expecting an Apocalypse, like the one described in the Bible, we would ever have taken care to raise so many alerts ourselves? If we wanted the “Beast” to come and sweep us all into a Lake of Fire, wouldn’t we just shut up and cross our fingers for Doomsday to roll around?

That’s not what we’re all about. Despite popular beliefs, the preconceived notions many have about Satanism turn out to be ignorance fed to them by someone else. Think about it.

So, where are all these purified martyrs, ready to be sacrificed by the followers of the devil, in the name of the ultimate God that the Book of Revelation goes on and on about? Zapped by a single bolt of evil? The good news is that all the stuff you’ve seen and heard about Satanic beasts, horns and the like is, and will be, pure theatrics or symbolism. The even better news is that by cursing and denying Satanism and its followers (as they expose themselves nowadays), what’s actually being cursed and blasphemed is Yahweh and the Book of Revelations. Those Revelations… no one needs them. Not Christians, Judaists, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans, and not even Satanists.

What does that leave us? A pissed-off Yahweh (and he is).

Stage 2 - The uprooting of David’s root

… or as you can say it in a non-geek theological way; the destruction of the path that leads to the “creation” of new “saints”.  These saints are “saints” based solely on their emotional competence, without any scientific criteria required from them. Logical thinking persons won’t ever accept the unfair sacrifice of any kind of life, even in those cases when Yahweh manifests himself in front of them and claims that as his own will. Human decisions overriding holy ones. Sounds familiar? It’s a rebellion.

It’s too bad for any Apocalyptic divine influence, too, as most people these days, due to the fear initiated in stage 1, have started worrying more about everyday matters than about the ones pertaining to their faiths. People are busy looking for a decent house, generating adequate savings, or getting a university diploma, all which, in turn, are needed in order to get a better salary, business opportunities, publicity or other set mundane goals. There’s nothing wrong with such actions - none can be considered real sins, even from a strictly theological viewpoint. But for sure, they are pushing people farther away from the basis of their faith, which is to put their trust in God, no matter what difficulty they may chance upon in life. Modern people don’t have the patience of the “wait and see” tactic, which is essential for the initiation of a fellow being purified by the will of God. Forget about promised prophets (as in the scripture of the Apocalypse) or crap like that; the chain is already broken. Man has strayed too far already to ever be pure candidates for God’s will.

Before rolling out the last stage, I need to pause to reflect briefly on the Christian mechanism of sin and confession. A refusal to sacrifice can’t be repented or forgiven, whether by fasting, praying or even committing “blessed acts” like trolling in the face of Satanists (or all over Satanic sites). The reason? None of the above “religious” actions are counterweight to the immense action of a denial that goes against the will of God, as required (theologically) in order to absolve every “sin”. If someone is a glutton, he fasts. If he’s a sex beast, he avoids sex. If he’s blasphemous, then he prays. If you refuse to sacrifice yourself, then what? There’s nothing left. There’s no way for this sin to be counter-acted through repentance, if you already realize what you have done against your own holy deity.

Anyway, there’s no method to undo Stage 1; people have already denied their God the sacrifice of their easy modern life, even just as an idea (not to mention the actual thing, including substantial losses). Also, when approaching this fact from a strictly theological viewpoint, people have actually set themselves against the so called Holy Spirit. For the Christian scholars, according to the Bible, there’s no way to repent any kind of denial against the Holy Spirit. Yahweh would probably like to run a revenge against his own churches for that reason, but even he has to obey a few rules. He can’t nuke his own churches, since no actual sin has been committed. Straying from the path is not a cardinal sin.

Now, since Stage 1 can’t be undone anyway, it’s time to check over Stage 2. The uprooting of David’s root has already been perpetuated to a second, and far worse, level than the one described above, judging things from, once again, a strictly theological scholarly view. Each (religious) person would have no moral motivation in avoiding to potentially harm another religious fellow, for improving his own position, as long as he doesn’t break any civil law (or in many instances, by even breaking it). Business competition, improvement of marketing strategies, stock market shares and stock market options, high risk decisions bringing high profit investments… all these actually have nothing to do with the Bible, where it’s clearly stated that no interest should be taken for any money loan.

Like with the impossibility of forgiveness for the refusal to sacrifice, there’s no turning back from the above. Helping the poor is a mere act of confession, when every person’s brain is already flooded with thoughts and wills related to his own economic status, growth and financial achievements. This can’t clear the action of distrust in the name of God and his own will either. Every known church around the world possesses significant investments, relating, of course, to the wealth it already has acquired. Even if the churches around the world were to abandon their wealth (yeah I know, I am joking), the damage is already done. The emotional thought system of the preachers is actually more than enough to prevent any further congregational developments, since these emotions have been defiled and have become too useless to reach God with. Then what’s left for them to use to get in touch with the Lord? The knowledge. But according to the Bible again (check out the story of Adam and Eve, or the case of the Tower of Babel), Yahweh usually gets mad when someone requests the schematics of the Christian faith, or of the Universe. So why bother?

Well churches around the planet have kissed the lips of the Money Demon and they insist upon calling the ones who haven’t already done so “losers”. Such a “Christian holy and faithful world” indeed. Now they have been stuck in a dead-end loop, jacking out who’s gonna make the bigger business, by selling their own religion short. “LaVeyan” Christians at their best! (evil-grin-irony)

In Part 3 we will talk about how to get rid of those nasty sixes.

Dark Entropy 646
Satanic scientist.

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