Ode To a Year Past
Fuck you, 2005.
You lied to me bitch,
filling my head with bullshit and empty promises about how "it" could be.
Well guess what?
When the shit came down I was on my own.
You were behind the scenes laughing.
You tried your best, I'll give you that.
You enjoyed kicking me when I was down,
and then kicking some more.
I could feel that you enjoyed it.
How many times did you smile thinking that my moment of defeat was imminent?
Too many to count is my guess.
As close as you came to breaking me, the fact remains that you never could finish the job or push me into the abyss.
I stared you down and found myself.
Even during the darkest times, when things seemed utterly hopeless, my will was too strong for you.
I know you still cling to life, and honestly sometimes you still get the better of me even though you've lost.
I get cocky and end up getting burned.
And while it stings, I know deep down that it's just your last attempts to win.
Can't go down without a battle, right?
You certainly were a worthy opponent, but all worthy opponents eventually grow old and weak and are easily defeated by superior competition.
As you draw your last breaths and preparations are made for your replacement, remember that you weren't worthy enough.
So to your replacement, 2006: I, battle-worn and strong, make a preemptive strike and say fuck you in advance.
Except this time, having already passed the test and won the war waged by its predecessor, I know I'm too strong to lose.