The Dead Rebel Society has the best readers in the cyber universe.
Here they share their thoughts and rants in exclusive guest columns.

To submit an article or a review, contact:
Serious Stuff


08-21 Dark Entropy
Humanity vs the Holy Spirit - Part 2

08-06 Pill
I Hate Rob Liefeld

08-04 Twilight
Lesson Learned

07-18 Dark Entropy
Humanity vs the Holy Spirit - Part 1

07-12 Davey Barton
Amnesty International

07-04 Pill
Maniacal, Screaming Preacher

06-25 Richard H.
What if it's True?

06-06 Dark Entropy
An Introduction to Satanism

04-12 Raz
Woes and Vows - Roadie Wife pt 2

04-01 Twilight
The New Moral Me

02-03 John Bonham Jovi
Jesus in a Frying Pan

01-02 Nach dem Fleisch
Follow the Bleeder


12-19 Nach dem Fleisch
"We _________ The Troops"

12-14 Nach dem Fleisch
"Make My Acquaintance"

12-09 Slippingirl
"A Tale of Two Rebels"

10-13 Cynical Degenerate
Angry Patriotic Traitor

10-02 drokka
The Measure of a fan

09-11 drokka
Requiem for an artist

09-10 Slippingirl
'Til teamwork do us part

07-30 OD
Going to the dogs

07-28 Raz
The glamourous lifestyle of the Roadie Wife

07-14 Marie Braden
Those who can't, do

06-09 Stretch
Service With A Smile

06-07 Rhiann
Tales From The Abyss

06-05 Puss
Selective Sacrifice In America

02-14 OD
A day in the life...

01-06 Gunny Hartman
"And the story goes..." - Part 1

Fluffy Stuff


04-15 Set'Em Up Joe
Where the Sun Doesn't Shine

01-26 Ms. D Lusional
Stillborn Romance


09-01 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 7 (Last)

08-25 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 6

08-16 Barbed Wire Bill
Flipping Lids and Fingers

08-05 Eos
The Life of Me - Part 4

08-01 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 5

07-27 Barbed Wire Bill
Bill's Rural Legends - Part 3

07-24 Eos
The Life of Me - Part 3

07-20 Barbed Wire Bill
Bill's Rural Legends - Part 2

07-19 Eos
The Life of Me - Part 2

07-16 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 4

07-10 Eos
The Life of Me - Part 1

07-06 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 3

07-01 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 2

06-27 Mitzi Dupree
A Nice Day for a White-ish Wedding 1

06-22 Barbed Wire Bill
Bill's Rural Legends - Part 1

03-20 2Tempting
The Only Good Driver on the Road


12-31 White Punk On Dope
Fuck you, 2005

12-20 VooDoo
It's Good To Be The Prick - Part 4

12-11 Ralph Wiggum's Astrologer
Happy Birthday and an Introduction of Sorts

11-18 Jim Morrison's Ghost
Morning Glory

11-27 Stretch Dong Strong
I Call Bullshit

10-26 Crouching Stoner
Dumb Bitch

10-16 White Punk On Dope
Housewife Rock is the Root of All Evil

09-29 Mitzi Dupree
Mommy D

08-29 The collective mind of the DRS ReadersMen are from Mars - Women love the penis

08-15 gr8whte
Rural MN Black Sheep's Weekend

08-11 OD
DRS Car Clinic 1

08-06 Barbed Wire Bill
Broke Ass - Broken Bones

08-06 Captain Howdy
Go Away Already

08-05 Guitar Boy
The MySpace Attraction...

07-28 Barbed Wire Bill
BWB and the Cleveland Chaos

07-19 Ace Frehley's Beer
Revenge of the nerd

07-17 VooDoo
It's good to be the prick - Part 3

07-15 HungWell
Our Smelly Lil' Friend

07-15 VooDoo
It's good to be the prick - Part 2

07-13 VooDoo
It's good to be the prick - Part 1

05-25 VooDoo
The Fucking Bug Guy

01-28 StretchDongStrong
Don't Shit Where You Eat

01-27 Crabby Ass
A Crabby Day From Hell - Part 2

01-26 Crabby Ass
A Crabby Day From Hell - Part 1

01-21 Crouching Stoner
Cussing is my business...

Reviews of Stuff


07-25 Lolita Barrister (Movie)
Beowulf & Grendel

07-14 John Doe Valentino (Book)
Who Used All of the Goddamn Toilet Paper?

07-11 Lolita Barrister (Movie)
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

06-03 OD (Gear)
Peavey ValveKing 112

05-10 OD (Gear)
Schecter C-1 Elite Electric Guitar


07-24 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

07-24 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"The secret life of bees"

07-18 Marie Braden (Music)
Jizzy Pearl - "Vegas Must Die"

07-14 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book"

07-08 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"The Eyre Affair"

07-08 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"The Va Dinci Cod"

07-07 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"Metro Girl"

07-07 Lolita Barrister (Book)

02-20 Lolita Barrister (Book)
"Daughter Of God"

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